Saturday, November 3, 2007

Draw the bloody curtains

"Is it wrong to say that when I'm at rehearsals, little else matters?"


"Bugger." - Calvin and I, in conversation.

A blog! Zomg! D:
For now, this exists purely so I can add to this place.
But I do intend to post properly when I can actually find me some time. (I hate that phrase. Why the hell shouldn't a 17 year old have enough time. O.o) So don't hold your breath. And if you weren't intending to, well... I never liked you anyway!

P.s: I know I should be studying, but I got the damn MP3 thing to work! Yes! \(^^)/


savante said...

Ooh new blog!

Ganymede said...


Mart said...

Zomg indeed. :P

Medie007 said...

Zomg indeeeet... LOL

17 yo can blog lar... my brother blogs too! hey! he's as old as u! wahahaha

Medie007 said...

Zomg indeeet... LOL

oh hey! me brother blogs too! and he's 17 too! bleh...

Medie007 said...

ooo no wonder i didn't see my comment... oh... i think it'll be comments now... ahahaha...