Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Lot of Time on His Hands

"Wait wait wait wait wait, he (Wall-E) has EYEBROWS?!"



- Calvin and I, in conversation. (I leave you to pick out who is whom.)

My brother at one point, upon the creation of his blog, had an idea where he wanted to put a new youtube video with each post. It'd be a "The Daily Tube", as it were. His rationale was: "I'd never run out of cool things to put up."

And we are both people that like to share.

Here, have at it.
(Advice? Stave off watching this until after a long frustrating day)

After going to the Platform last week, a bunch of us (say... 7 of us?) were at a mamak (like we always are) and talked about random stuff. Somewhere in there; we started off on movies, and one of them goes and says that the difference between books and movies is their obligation to explain stuff. Wherein a movie, where it is almost always a contained story in such a short duration, the most beautiful things go unsaid.
So I pipe up and say: "The next Pixar movie boasts no dialogue"
And everybody at the table just goes "Woooooooah"
This is the movie I was talking about.

Also, I've decided I'll reply to all comments on my blog on my next blogpost.
Behold: The P.S. section.


Nick: Fuck's sake, man. o.O I have ST runs to administrate!

Tham: Sifn't! *Sticks tongue out* In order for what I just did to be construed as Journalism, the person I quote has to be notable. (Ooooooh! Buuuuuurn! Zing, Rimshot!) I intend to be doing broadcasting instead. :B

Jaz: Verified. :D

1 comment:

Naoko said...

And I bring you a kickass flash video made in the day when flash videos were a pain to code.

Of course, I love the music too. :P

Lemme know if you want the sequel. And watch out for the geeky numbers. You should spot them in the opening and closing credits.