Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A call to arms

"Which risk would you rather take, listen to the activists and take big action now, risking the possible harm to the economy that the skeptics warned us about. Or listening to the skeptics and don't take big action now; risking the possible destruction and upheaval [Of the Earth] that the activists warned us about"

-How It All Ends video.

As a public speaker, I'm pretty familiar with the term "Call to Arms", which is essentially every public speaker's optimal closing paragraph. Because the audience doesn't really care to be lectured about how things work or why certain things happen, but rather what they can do about it. Essentially a public speech normally tells the audience something they probably don't know. Like "the alarmingly increasing crime rates in Malaysia", or the "ineffable virtues of duct tape". It ranges. But point of fact is that the speech is like a story, although more direct. It carries a message; it informs, so a Call to Arms is very very much a good way to end a speech because once you've informed someone about the goings on of something, they'll want to know how it affects them and if so, what they can do about it.

For example: Corruption in Malaysia? Interesting topic.
The Mating habits of Dolphins? Not so much.

So you see, things have to affect us in order for us to care. And if it does, a Call to Arms to fix the solution is a good idea of making us care some more.

And given that: Rare is the Call to Arms in a speech that actually moves me enough to take action. With or without convincing argument, it is rare that someone can say something that literally makes me want to do something to solve the problem.
The famous Stephen Tyler quote from Fight Club is one of them. And the most recent convincing speech, is this.

The Call to Arms at the end of this video is simple. Spread the word.
And it makes me care enough to want to. So. I know the video's a long one, but please do take the time to let it load up and watch it. Listen to the music selection that I have at the ready while you're at it if you want something to do.

1 comment:

savante said...

Good to know there are folks out there still fighting the good fight :)